From Henry David Thoreau, With text selections and photographs by Eliot Porter, An introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch, And a Foreword by David Brower
“In Wildness is the Preservation of the World”
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Published by The Sierra Club, San Francisco, 1962, 1st US Edition, Large format, D/w (some tears and wear edges, piece missing at top of spine/front cover, V.G. A stunning presentation of one of America’s leading photographers and artistic pioneers, this is Eliot Porter’s interpretation of the works of Henry Thoreau in the original Sierra Club Exhibit Format Books, though this is not a mountaineering book. Illustrated with 72 outstanding full-page color photographs. From the foreword by David Brower “To me it seems that much of what Henry David Thoreau wrote, more than a century ago, was less timely in his day than it is in ours: we can now prove that the natural and civilized must live together or perish separately. We hope that the attitude of Thoreau and Porter toward unspoiled countryside will be pervasive. For there is no science and no art of greater importance than that which teaches seeing, which builds sensitivity and respect for the natural world, a world that ‘has visibly been recreated in the night’. A natural world thus cherished will always bring ‘mornings when men are new-born, men who have the seeds of life in them’.”
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Weight | 1.8 kg |